Schlafly Reserve Imperial Stout Aged in Bourbon Barrels
When popping open this 750 mL bottle, I can smell a faint bourbon aroma. While the beer is still in the bottle I don't get a strong aroma coming from the bottle; it's subdued, yet quite pleasing. Pouring this imperial stout into my glass I see a brown colour (which surprised me) and doesn't look viscous. I think imperial stouts should look like motor oil when pouring, but we'll see how this lives up. There was a time tan head when I poured, but it quickly dissipated into a ring. It appears like there is a fair amount of carbonation as well. The nose out of the glass is almost identical to the nose inside the bottle; there is a slight bourbon character with a bit of roastiness sneaking through. The bourbon is the most prominent aroma by far though.
Remember when I said the beer didn't look thick? Well the first thing that I noticed when taking a sip was a thick and creamy mouthfeel. It's thick, but the carbonation level is enough to make the beer not feel like a syrup. It's flavour is pretty much what you'd expect in a bourbon barrel aged imperial stout; lots of vanilla, oaky woody notes mixed with a roasted character to end. The bitterness comes from the the roasted character the most, which I wasn't expecting because of the bourbon. The flavour of the beer is pretty one dimensional. I was expecting loads of flavours mixed together to make something complex, but it's like a bourbon stout rather than a bourbon imperial stout. At 10.5% I get hints of alcohol that linger on my tongue with the roasted malts, but nothing that isn't pleasing. One thing that is a plus is that the bourbon character is at the perfect level. Where are the chocolate malts or the coffee tones? It's just bourbon, vanilla, woody, then a roasted character. That's it.
The mouthfeel seems to become more aqueous the more I sip on this, but I think it's mostly from the carbonation. Yes this beer is drinkable, but I don't really want a drinkable bourbon aged imperial stout. I want something that bold, complex, and mind numbingly difficult to put words to all the flavours I'm experiencing. I'd say it's just a really well done balanced imperial stout, yet nothing I'd go out of my way to obtain. If you like imperial stouts, then check this out; otherwise, it's not worth the money. You won't be blown away.
B or B+.